Mission & Values

South Bay CLT’s mission is to combat displacement, land speculation, and community deterioration, and expand housing and economic development opportunities for low income and moderate income residents in Santa Clara County.

Community members sit in a room for a presentation.

The South Bay Community Land Trust seeks to create and expand community control of the land in order to provide permanent affordable housing to community residents as well as other community uses. By providing permanently affordable homeownership and equity-sharing options, SBCLT aims to promote neighborhood stability and community involvement to preserve the quality of life for residents in Santa Clara County.

Our vision is inclusive, collectively-led and owned communities where everyone is safe, loved and housed.

Nuestra misión es combatir el desplazamiento, la especulación de la tierra y el deterioro de la comunidad, y ampliar las oportunidades de vivienda y desarrollo económico para los residentes de ingresos bajos y moderados en el condado de Santa Clara.

Community members watching a presentation.

El Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias del Sur de la Bahía (South Bay CLT) busca crear y expandir el control comunitario de la tierra para proporcionar viviendas asequibles permanentes a los residentes de la comunidad, así como otros usos de la comunidad. Al proporcionar opciones de propiedad de vivienda y participación en la equidad permanentemente asequibles, South Bay CLT tiene como objetivo promover la estabilidad del vecindario y la participación de la comunidad para preservar la calidad de vida de los residentes del condado de Santa Clara.

Nuestra visión es comunidades inclusivas, de propiedad colectiva, donde todos estén seguros, amados y alojados.

Values / Valores

Racial + Gender Equity

South Bay CLT recognizes the historically racist exclusion of BIPOC* and other marginalized communities from opportunities of housing and development, and actively works to dismantle these structures by centering the voices and lived experiences of those most impacted by the housing crisis, in our work.
*Black, Indigenous, People of color

Collective Leadership

South Bay CLT uses a transparent, accountable shared governance model to drive sustainable, equitable, and empowered community-led development. We believe in a leaderful movement and actively learn from and share skills with one another.

Transformational Change

South Bay CLT believes in transforming our relationship to land, housing and people through decommodification of real estate, collective stewardship of our environment and most importantly, community power. We recognize CLTs are part of a larger movement connected to rematriation of indigenous lands and reparations of racial injustices. We believe that providing permanently affordable housing and additional community resources are part of the transformational changes needed in our communities to address the root cause of a lot of systemic ills [ex. domestic violence, displacement, gentrification, redlining, school to prison pipeline].

Sustainability + Wellness

Decommodification of land is part of the greater promotion of systems of health to foster long-term social, economic, and ecological sustainability and create culturally appropriate housing opportunities that contribute to the mental, spiritual, cultural and physical health of individuals and the larger community.


South Bay CLT originated from and is sustained by the love we have for our community and strive to create spaces of listening, learning, and growing to fit the needs, creativity, spirit, and desires of the people.

For more information about the CLT model and ways in which South Bay CLT can support our communities, check out What are CLTs?